Can Hermit Crabs Live in a Paludarium? What to Know

Hermit crabs might be a good fit if you’re there setting up a Paludarium. But how to be sure?  No worries – we’ve got you covered. Discover what hermit crabs are best for paludariums and how to make one. Find out how big of a tank a hermit crab needs.


Can Hermit Crabs Live in a Paludarium?

Yes, Hermit crabs can live in a paludarium. The temperature should be 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Tanks equipped with live rock, plants, drainage systems, and filters are essential. The hibernation chamber should be enclosed with moving water.

Palaudariums must have enclosed tropical water tanks. Hermit crabs can live in a paludarium if they are provided with an appropriate substrate and environment. Here are some guidelines for keeping hermit crabs in a paludarium.

1. The tank should be 10 gallons

Hermit crabs must be kept in paludariums that are at least 10 gallons in size. If you have a larger tank, you can set up the paludarium in sections. You will need to create an additional area for the hermit crab if your aquarium has a higher water level.

2. Don’t forget to provide live rock

A paludarium must contain live rocks as they provide stability and habitat to your hermit crabs. Make sure you get live gems with small protrusions if you want your hermit crabs to live happily in your paludarium.

3. Maintain 75-80° F temperature

Hermit crabs cannot survive in normal water, so ensure that the tank is kept at a comfortable temperature (75-80°F). To maintain a consistent temperature in a colder region, you’ll need to install a heater in the tank.

4. Provide plenty of hiding places

Make sure to get a paludarium with plenty of living rocks and vegetation so the hermits can hide. Alternatively, you can provide hermit crabs with a house.

5. Provide the suitable substrate

Hermit crabs require nutrients and drainage from their substrate, so choosing the right one is crucial. The substrate must mimic the hermit crab’s natural environment for the crab to burrow.

The substrate should be at least one inch deep (2 cm) to support your hermit crabs. You can use the EcoEarth substrate. EcoEarth substrate is easy to maintain since it is 100 percent organic.

6. Maintain the humidity level

Hermit crabs need humidity in their habitat to stay healthy. Add a humidifier to your paludarium to maintain the right level. The tank should have high humidity (70-80%) and easy access to fresh water.

7. Provide fresh and salty water

Hermit crabs can live in salt or freshwater, but they prefer a mixture of both. The hermit crabs should always have access to fresh water in their paludarium, even if you add a saltwater tank.

8. Clean paludarium regularly

Keep your paludarium clean so that the hermit crabs can live there. Make sure the gravel is vacuumed, or use a siphon to collect the debris.

9. Add a waterfall

Besides looking pretty, waterfalls create beneficial currents. Hermit crabs can swim and exercise at falls. Attach a hose to the pump at the bottom of the tank to create a waterfall.

Place your waterfall on the opposite side of your hermit crabs’ favorite spots. Slowly, the waterfall will refill the tank with water. When threatened, hermit crabs can hide here.


Can Hermit Crabs Live In A Terrarium?

Hermit crabs can live in terrariums as long as the space is around 5 gallons per hermit crab, and the terrarium is open-sided. It is essential to provide them with the right environment and enclosure.

The tank should have high humidity levels (70-80%) and easy access to fresh water. There are plenty of substrate options, such as moss, wood chips, or coco peat pellets.

Conditions can allow hermit crabs to live in a terrarium. The animals need access to fresh water and plenty of space to roam. The recommended size is 10 gallons. Ensure they have food and shelter and their environment is free of drafts or cold sources.

However, hermit crabs should not live in a closed terrarium. It is impossible to exchange humidity and temperature with the environment in a closed terrarium. In a closed terrarium, hermit crabs get sick and die.


Can You Keep a Hermit Crab in an Aquarium?

Hermit crabs can live in an aquarium, provided the tank has a glass cover. It is essential to maintain a temperature of 68-86 degrees Fahrenheit. It would help if you gave them a hiding spot and a diet with live food and fresh water.

Hermit crabs also require saltwater, so they include marine fish in their aquarium. You can keep hermit crabs in an aquarium with pink Himalayan salt if it doesn’t make up most of the salt ingredients.

Hermit crabs shouldn’t live in water over 90 degrees Fahrenheit because of overheating. Keep a hermit crab in an aquarium that’s well-maintained and has plenty of live food for it to eat. Remember to keep their environment at 68 degrees Fahrenheit and give them a place to hide.


Can Hermit Crabs Live Submerged in Water?

A hermit crab can be either land-based or marine-based. Hermit crabs can live up to a month in a jar of water and 15 minutes in a water droplet. The hermit crab can live in the ocean for long periods without touching land, but they will come onto land to mate or lay their eggs.

A hermit crab that lives submerged in water cannot be kept in an aquarium because it requires air and a surface to move about. Keep hermit crabs submerged in water with either an air pump or bubbler attached so they can breathe.

Marine hermit crabs are the best crab to keep in a tank out of the many available styles. A marine hermit crab can live in saltwater and handle high temperatures better than a land hermit crab.

It is, however, a little more expensive to buy a marine hermit crab than a land hermit crab. You should also ensure that the tank is well-maintained and that the hermit crab has plenty of live food to eat if you want to keep one in your tank.

The paludarium tank, however, can provide a more consistent temperature environment for hermit crabs if it has a glass cover. There should be easy access to fresh water in a paludarium, and the temperature should stay below 68 degrees Fahrenheit.


What Hermit Crabs Are Best for Paludarium?

Hermit crabs that live in paludariums are Eriocheir Sinensis, the Australian land hermit crab. Purple Pincher hermit crabs and snowy hermit crabs can also live in paludariums.

1. Australian Land Hermit Crab

A paludarium can be a suitable environment for the Australian land hermit crab. Because it can live in a more consistent temperature environment, this hermit crab is ideal for a paludarium.

2. Purple Pincher Hermit Crab

A Purple Pincher hermit crab can live in a paludarium with a glass cover to live in a more consistent temperature environment. The colorful and active hermit crab makes an excellent paludarium specimen.

3. Snowy Hermit Crab

A Snowy hermit crab makes an excellent paludarium animal since it can live in colder climates than other hermit crab species. Unlike other hermit crabs, snowy hermit crabs are not as active in a paludarium.

4. Blueberry Hermit Crab

Blueberry hermit crabs can live in paludariums, but they have better choices. Blueberry hermit crabs are not suitable for a paludarium. Their environment has a different temperature.

5. Ecuadorian Hermit Crab

Paludariums can accept Ecuadorian hermit crabs, but there are better choices for this one. Since Ecuadorian hermit crabs do not live in a stable temperature environment, they are unsuitable for paludariums.


How Big of a Tank Do You Need for a Hermit Crab?

It is necessary to have at least 10 gallons of tank space for a hermit crab to live in a paludarium. You can give one hermit crab per 5 gallons.

With this size, the crab can quickly move around and explore its surroundings without feeling cramped. A healthy hermit crab shell also requires plenty of humidification and ventilation.

Nonetheless, hermit crabs can live in a much smaller tank with plenty of humidity and air circulation. A hermit crab, for instance, can live in a 5-gallon tank with sufficient moisture and airflow.

However, keeping two hermit crabs in the same tank is not recommended because there would be too much competition for food.


Final Thoughts

In conclusion, hermit crabs can be kept in a paludarium, terrarium, or aquarium with a temperature of 75-80°F and a humidity level of 70-80%. The tank should be at least 10 gallons and contain fresh, salty water, rock, and vegetation. Paludariums are best for Purple pinchers and Australian land hermit crabs.